Saturday, December 16, 2006

Yesterday we had gradation that lasted a really long time. We had to greet everyone who had come to visit from neighboring churches. It was a big celebration of the Holy Given graduates and the Pastors. The stage was filled with garbage bags of presents for them to take home to their family.
We sat through many hours of colorful drum dances, upbeat African worship, and drawn out greetings. My stomach was growling even before the ceremonies started and was only satisfied at 4:00 with a special meal of chicken, salad, and coke.

I’ve officially finished the school part of the Holy Given and now I’m resting for two days before Tuesday when I have my team leaves for two days of traveling to a town called Zimbeze. We have two and a half weeks in their town where we will be doing children’s activities and teaching. We may official a big wedding. Many couples here don’t get married because it is too expensive so doing a service for free is a great example of incarnational love. .

Our last week of school was full of cramming reading into our brains and catching up on missed films. As I write this people are bustling around me packing their belongings and deciding what to leave. I’m heading into town later to do some quick email and then Simon and I most likely will spend the afternoon on the beach resting in the shade and dipping into the ocean when we get too hot.

Last week I checked my email to find one from Don Rogers the international director for ELI. The gist of the email was that I have to raise 80% of my support to begin my full time work with them. They suggested that I still come to Kenya and then they want to send me to Sudan to take pictures of the children there. My jaw dropped to the ground when I read this because it is my dream job. I am realizing that God gives us dreams and then he makes them come true. I’m in a season of intense blessing where dream after dream is being fulfilled.

My prayer requests for this next season of outreach is mostly that I would sense God’s love for those on my on my team and those that we get to meet. I want also to go with an open, teachable heart that receives all that God has.

As of right now I’m not excited about this outreach because my house is full of people who are packing and heading back home to be with families for Christmas. This is my first Christmas away from home. It does help that I don’t feel like it is Christmas. Instead of fleece jackets, Christmas trees, and egg nog I’m surrounded by flipflops, palm trees, and iced cokes. I’ll be celebrating Christmas in the bush of Mozambique.

Simon is going to be traveling through Africa by random African transport and he is unsure of where he is going for the next six months. You could pray for us in this time apart that our relationship would strengthen in this t and that we would grow more in love for Jesus and each other during this time. Also pray for safety in general for both of us as we travel through Africa. Simon is going to set aside a week to pray and fast for direction concerning the next steps with us and with his time in Africa.

Thanks for praying and I really am blessed by your emails. If you need my email address it is I love to hear about the daily activities of your lives. I love you all!


lauren carroll said...

hi meag! rocko just told me about your blog, and i have one too. glad to get to hear what you're doing finally. send me a note sometime. love, lauren

Jamie & Nathan said...

I love the Blog. I just found it, so I will have to read some of the older posts. I do have to say that I would like some more info on this Simon guy.. LIke a picture even! :)

Please get us the info for you bank account, I know of people who want to donate!
