Sunday, September 17, 2006

Splendor: Waiting for the green light


My brain is on overload. I am feeling like a run down wind-up toy. I just was talking to my housemat and my tounge coudln't keep up with my thoughts. And that is really slow since I'm dead tired. Today I slept in until the late hours of 8:00. I woke up to go to the bathroom. Normally I would sink back into the comfort of my "poof" as my grandma calls them. And I did try that, but then the phone called me out of my almost slumber. And by that time my brain was already awake and thinking about the reading I needed to run my eyes over inorder to do my online assignments. When I signed up for these two graduate courses online with Moody I was excited about the opporunity to learn again and to get some new skills, but now I'm down right overloaded. After studying the morning hours into the early evening I got to get together with Abby.

It's sort of comical because we always plan these grandious adventures of scaling mountains or biking, scrape booking and painting a room all in one day. By the time we hang out it ends up being a walk that ends a couple of blocks away at a friends house and then laying on the couch reading. But, that is something I love about dreaming. It is fun to dream about all of the adventures you would like to do even if they materialize in a much more minature way.

On my bed is pile of books, big books. Books that you could knock someone over with, like in a cartoon where their arms go like silly putty stretching to the floor. I used them today for an assignment for my biblical studies class. I am starting to get used to piles and stacks of books being permanent figures in the corners of my room. The funny thing, or maybe sad depending on how you see it, is I'm not even sure what I'm in school for. I'm not talking about my purpose, but I mean what the end degree will be. I keep telling people Biblical Studies, but I don't like peoples reactions when I tell them that. I want to get the "Wow, that is so cool!" reaction. Not the, "Oh. . ." reaction.

I've spent a lot of time in my bedroom recently. The other day as I was studying I caught the end of this little furry butt with a long ropy tail bounching past my book shelf. I screamed and jumped up to report to my housemate. I timidly went back into my room, but this time was crouching on my chair as I studyed. Seconds later Ray was the one screaming and I turned to look in her room and saw the same little furry butt sauntering across her floor. Immediatley we both were up on our beds and we watched and screamed. I was giggling though my screams as Ray only stopped screaming briefly to take deep breaths. Inside me was a strange mixture of comidic relief and terror. We called everyone we knew within a three mile block radius of us and no one, literally, no one was home. We left messages of us screaming in panic on our friends voicemails. Eventually James came home and with two boxes and a ruler as he said it "Took care of the problem". There hasn't been a little furry butt sighting since, but every time I enter in the bathroom, my room, or basically into our house I am always looking for a sighting of that unwanted guest. Today as I lay in bed reading I thought I heard the dreaded scampering in the walls, but tried to onvience myself that it was the natural creaks of an old house.

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