Friday, September 01, 2006

Waiting for the green light

Well, the past week has been wonderfully interesting. I was all ready to go to an inservice at Valhalla elementary school because I had arranged for a three month long term sub job with one of my collegues. Before school ended I thought I had fully arranged for the details of this to run smoothly. My principal emailed me telling me that since she hadn't heard from, and neither had the other teacher or the sub office they had given the job to someone else. This made my heart sink initally and in many ways I felt like it was sort of a sudden death of someone I knew. Since I thought that I was coming back in the fall I didn't properly say goodbye to the other teachers or to my children. After I got over the momentary shock I realized that God is in control and He has plans that are much bigger than I could ever design. This truth helped my heart to be at peace and even excited for what could happen. The next day I got a phone call from another pricncipal in Federal Way that was looking for a long term sub for two months. I went to visit the school and teacher that day and after an two hours walked out to my car with a new assignment to teach a multiage 1,2 class until November. Then on Thursday I got an email about a school through Iris ministries. The timing would be from the end of October to the beginning of January. I applied for this school and arranged for my pastor and friend to fill out the recommendations. Perhaps this could be the reason why the long term three month position wasn't finalized and instead this two month one was available.

As of right now I'm still in the holding process. I'm waiting to hear from ELI concerning our partnership in Eastern Africa and I'm waiting to hear from Iris concerning this school in Mozambique. Even though I've not had the green light from either group I'm proceceding ahead as if I have the go. It has been liberating and intense as I do another sweep through my stuff and place it into piles or donate, give away, or keep for Africa. It has been freeing because I love simplicity and not having material posessions as a weight. How awesome it would be to move and transition quickly with no material ties. It has been exausting because of the memories and sentiments linked to each item and the whole process of uprooting my life from one home to a new home is emotional.

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