Thursday, January 29, 2009

Different than expected

Mary Ann and I made two phone calls this week. One to Esther and one to Felica. Mary Ann talked with Esther and it seemed to go pretty well. They agreed on a time for an interview to be our steward; 2:30 Thursday. I called Felica and it was a confusing mess. She sounded worlds away and talked as quickly as a chipmunk.The only two words I could make out were "Oh God!" After 10 times of telling her I couldn't hear her and asking her to slow down so I could understand I ended the conversation with "Okay, so we'll see you tomorrow at 3:00!" I wasn't surprised when three o'clock came and passed with no knock on the door to announce her coming. But, I'm sure she has just as much trouble understanding my accent as I do hers.

Today we had three appointments and three no shows. Even our art teacher Lanre didn't come. But, I did get a text from him. And instead of a packed, busy afternoon it became a luxurious, relaxing afternoon. An afternoon where Mary Ann and I looked up vegan recipes online, were I IMed with friends around the world and I tried to bake cookies (they turned out looking like those melted clocks in the famous painting by Dali.


The Eyes said...

hi sister. sorry you were sick, and thinking of all the dust makes me feel like I have a nagging cough in my throat. be praying for the new tenant!

Anonymous said...

Meag...I have so enjoyed reading through your blog for the last years. wow. giggles and tears I have had on your behalf!
You are such a DIAMOND!!