Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wonder Cards

In our class we've been learning about asking questions. I decorated a little box with the words Wonder Box written all over it. Question marks danced around the words. I placed it in the front of the class and left it there for around a month. Then one day I introduced this mysterious box to them. They were so excited to finally have an end to their building suspense.

We went outside to the playground field with boards, pencils, and index cards. I sat back as I watched them. They would interact with the birds on the field and then would bend down to jot a question. They would see someone doing something and then they would bend down and ask about it. They would look around the field noticing the score board sign and then ask why it had balls stuck in it. I smiled as I read this one. For those balls were really bulbs to light up the outline of a score number. After our time on the field we walked back with heads held high as they felt so intelligent for asking questions and wondering about their environment around them.

A week later I was flipping through the wonder cards and stumbled across one that caught my attention. The question scribbled on the card made me laugh out loud. It read... I wonder why Ike (one of our Nigeria students) has such a big bottom.

And he does have a big bottom!And this has actually been one of my questions as I've worked with Ike and studied his facial features and structure. He is the tallest kid in our class reaching already up to my chin. But, I decided this wouldn't be a question to use while modeling a question web or how to use an outside source to find answers. I just tucked it nicely back into the box and shared the experience with friends over dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha...that made me laugh out loud as well.
i would like to see that on a question web!