Sunday, November 15, 2009


This week I found myself so thin and impatient. I needed to hibernate. I needed space and an escape. On Friday I was supposed to go to a piano bar with my friend for her birthday, but I had a headache. I didn't want to sit in a loud piano bar meeting a lot of different and new people. Instead I stayed home and rested by watching my TV series that I downloaded onto Itunes. It's called Friday Night Lights and I love it. I usually try to savor each episode and save them for special treats. This Friday I was so tired and needed to escape to a different world with different stresses and pressures so I watched four of them. They are so good! Have you seen them?

Today I had a really balanced day at home. I made some pumpkin soup but it was canned pumpkin and just isn't the same. I made croutons, but I left them in slightly too long and they are browner than I had hoped for. I worked on my National Boards, read, did some morning pilates, got money exchanged, booked a ticket to Abuja for thanksgiving, washed some clothes by hand, and made some jewelry from my new seeds and beads that I've gotten at the market here. Later in the night I went out to Thai food to celebrate my friends birthday. It was such a wonderful night, as it was just the three of us. We had a lot of fun. It was a treat though. We split the bill as a gift for Staci and it cost 9,000 niara which is around 80 dollars! Can you believe. That was just my share. The whole meal cost 18,000 niara. Which is a little less than 200 dollars. Things are so expensive here. But, it was delicious and Staci had lived in Thailand for 9 years so she spoke Thai while ordering and that was awesome to witness.


The Eyes said...

OOOOOH!! muy expensivo! Glad you had fun though. We backward folks here don't know about Friday Night Lights, sorry. Again, glad you like it! Thinking of you today. pumpkin soup is in my agenda too!

Meag Diamond said...

Too expensivo! It's outrageous. Really! Friday Night Lights is a tv show that takes place in a football crazed Texas town called Dillon. Don't watch it, you will become addicted. Enjoy the fruits of harvest time. Love you.

the newmexikooks said...

hi. this sounds great. i need this time too. i'm burnt! the Lord is my help! i love you!