Sunday, October 11, 2009


Right now, I'm extremely happy, so I was trying to reflect why. I believe if I know why then I can do my best to cultivate it. And I've concluded it's all about balance. Balancing my interactions with Nigerians and Ex pats. I love going out into the community and getting a better sense of their struggle and their joy. But, I love coming home and taking a warm shower and cuddling in bed with my laptop. Balance looks like spending time working on my National Boards but taking breaks to fry jalapenos with the girls. Balance is when I can enjoy club hoping and a really late night of dancing and also go to church on Sunday to learn about spiritual aspects of life. Now I'm going to reflect on how to sustain this balance and be deliberate about it. But, I bet there even needs to be a balance in this. A balance of refection and action.

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