Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Itchy, Sratchy!

Our heads were itchy and scratchy today with sympathy pains as we found out that two of our students had lice! In the morning one of the parents asked if her son could see the nurse some time during the day. He had been itchy. So, I sent him right then and there. After 45 minutes later he had not returned so I sent Mrs. Nnamdi to check on him. Yep, he had lice. Through out the day I kept an eye out for any more monkey action. By the end of the day we all had passed through the nurses office, our pillows were bagged and a letter was formed and sent home to parents. It's never a dull day at AISL. Oh, and good news... I don't have them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh the joy of working with children!! i have only had lice twice :) :) love the picture by the way!!