Saturday, October 28, 2006


I'm in Mozambique and having an amazing time. Today during breakfast I sat next to George. He is one of Mama Idas sons. He and I were talking and he began to tell me stories about having everything stolen from him. Everything he was given something it would be stolen and he told me that if they just asked him he would freely and gladly give it to them. I sat there his words piercing my heart because God has begun to stir in me a new revelation. It started a while ago as I was reading the book "There is always enough" by the Bakers. They have story after story of Gods multiplication of food, money, resources.

Yesterday Mama Ida taught us about the be attitudes and how the mourners are blessed because they shall be comforted. One thing she said was she was always giving away things. One day her son came to her and said "Mama you know, I am not complaining but I just wanted you to know that you have given away all of my clothes again. This t-shirt I'm wearing and one other is all I have." When a new child came to the home she had nothing and Mama Idas daughter had a favorite dress that she willingly surrendered to this girl. These testimonies of giving have pierced my heart.

God is already breaking me of many mindsets that I have, one in particular is the mindset that I need to hoard and keep things for myself. This is a deeper work than before because earlier I would easily give because I knew that I could easily get. It was simple to give over half of my paycheck to missions because I could comfortably live on the rest without luxury. But, right now I have nothing. I am living off of others generosity and literally the clothes I brought are all I have. But, at the same time my mom could easily send a package with anything that I do really need. This is such a humbling place because I can't just return to America and have abundance again. But, God is telling me to give and it is so hard when it is my only pair of flip flops. Please pray for me that I would be broken knowing that He will always provide. I want to truly believe in my heart that there is always going to be enough. That is the type of anointing on this ministry and God has done miracles of provision and multiplying. I am getting desperate for God. I wan to be able to give my best.

God is the God of multiplication. He doesn't just do the addition. He multiplies. When I don't give the heavens and locked and closed, but when I give out of a grateful heart he will rend those heavens and release blessing upon blessing into my life. I want my choices to rend those heavens unlocking the blessing of knowing my Father as a multiplier.

I need to save the pictures to my jumpdrive and then I can add them to the blog. I will add a lot of pictures next time.

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