Monday, October 23, 2006


I walked down the alley for the last time to the Oliver household. They live just a couple of houses down and the walk is quick. Angie greeted me at the door with her usually shy grin and deep hug. "There's a boy." She said pointing to Orion who was flat on his belly infront of the dancing flames of electric fire. Soon E'lin joined us with his hair stylishly pushed into a feathery wave by his bedtime pillow. We took pictures as Angie arranged her usual gourmet feast in the kitchen. E'lin brought down pillows from upstairs and we gathered around the trunk spread with the banquet. As we ate we talked about writing letters, how Orion thought meat had seeds, and how they want to eat all organics when they grow up. After breakfast the boys rushed to calm down their hair, gather some last minute parting gifts, and grabed their school gear for the day. "I'm proud of you." Angie whispered in calm voice that I will so deeply miss. We said our goodbyes outside their house before they quickly piled into the maroon Volvo and putted down the road hitting their tail pipe as they zipped over the speed bump. I watched as they passed barely able to make out their smiling faces and waving hands through the foggy windows that Wasington fall mornings so well paint.

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