Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Surprised! Shocked!

I just checked my email and you know how you check them from most recently sent to the older ones. Well, I had like 7 sent from the same person, Tamara. And I read the last one that she sent and it was something about a travel insurance. And at first I thought it must have been a scam and I was about to delete it when I noticed that it was sent to a group of people and they had addressed us as students. I thought that it could be from Iris ministries so I read the earlier emails and I have been accepted to the school! This is the biggest surprise ever. In my heart I had died to the idea of going and my life would be a lot easier if I didn't. Honestly, I am so excited about going, but I am very confused about what I should do.

When I list the reasons why I should go and shouldn't go the list of the shouldn't is longer. I would have to end my subbing job early. I wouldn't get Christmas with my family. I would have to cancel a trip to see my best friend Roxie in California. I would have to figure out a plan for my graduate classes. BUT, I feel that Gods ways are higher than our ways and this practical mambo jambo, doesn't mean no. I feel that this school is an amazing opportunity and training for my work with ELI. I feel that I need to have the impartation of this ministry that has seen 19 people raised from the dead. I have been begging God to show me more of His glory and this is a Glory Driven school.

So, in many ways I feel it is the practical vs. the spiritual and usually with me the spiritual always wins.

Please pray with me for discernment and direction because this decision is significantly important.

I would be leaving for Africa in 18 days!
WOW! God what are you up to?

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